It’s no lie, I love Portuguese Water Dogs, but for many people they just aren’t their cup of tea.  Would a PWD fit well in your family?  Sure a non-shedding dog sounds like a gimme as far as pets go, but many people think that PWDs are just the non-shedding version of a Labrador (you’d be better to check out Poodles!).  Check out the pros and cons list below to see if you are a fit for this high drive, take charge breed!

PWD Pros

Hypoallergenic...KIND OF....
Portuguese Water Dogs can be great for “many” people with allergies…BUT NOT ALL!  If you have allergies to ANY dogs, it’s best to meet a PWD that doesn’t live with any other dogs or cats and see if you are allergic.  A great test…get in the car and go for a ride with the dog for 30 minutes.  Let it lick you and rub all over.  Then see how you feel the next day. No one wants to get a dog only to have to return it a few days later due to allergies.  And all breeders hope to find forever homes for their puppies from the get go.  Many people also feel that if they aren’t allergic to poodles or a doodle they won’t be allergic to a PWD.  They are different dogs and it’s best to try the “allergy test” with the breed of your choice.
Velcro Dog
You’ll never be alone again.  My husband refers to them as my “herd”.  Where ever I go, they following.  That means to do laundry, to cook and that’s right, to the bathroom.  My one even sticks her head in the shower from time to time to make sure I’m still in there.
"Can" have a long life span
This is a breed that may live 13 to 15 years.  That’s quite the commitment.  What does your life have in store for the next 15 years.  If kids, retirement or something else is in the future are you prepared to stay committed to your PWD as well?
LOW Shedding
PWDs are a low shedding breed meaning that as a single coated breed (like human hair) they won’t shed as much as say a Golden Retriever or other double coated breed.  But they do in fact shed…my floor doesn’t lie.
Very Intelligent
This is a breed that was bred to do a job and that required some smarts.  While some breeds were bred to warm laps and others we bred to lay around and guard things, this dog was bred to do a full days work (can we say lots of energy) and then guard the boat at night or while the fisherman was away.  They thrive with constant training, lots of activity (more than a walk a day) and love to be involved in everything you do.
Very Active
PWDs are very active dogs.  Meaning that they typically aren’t happy with just a walk a day.  These rugged dogs were built to swim, climb in and out of the water and guard their boats.  These aren’t a lay at your feet all day and night kind of dog.  They also typically don’t do well at dog parks and whatnot.  So plan on lots of hiking, boating, swimming and other physically and mentally challenging games with your dog.


Some people ARE ALLERGIC
Not everyone does well with PWDs. There have been many of people that got home only to find out that they ARE in fact allergic to their dog.  Sometimes it doesn’t show up until they are a little older (and producing more dander), but it’s better to meet some NOW before you get a puppy versus later when you have to decide between the puppy or being able to breathe.
Cling On

If you have kids, did you like when they were constantly following you?  Or can you imagine what it’ll feel like to have a dog that constantly wants to be with you…touching you.  PWDs can of course be trained to be more independent, but overall they want to be with you, touching you, watching you. For some people this is too much. In addition, if you have a very demanding job where you’re out of town often or work very long hours the PWD might not be the breed for you.

Some Die Young

PWDs can live a long life, but some are cut short due to cancers and other health problems.  Breeders do their best to breed dogs with long spans through careful selection of breeding dogs through pedigree analysis.  But sometimes cancer creeps in.  Make sure your breeder does ALL health testing as required by the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America.  Though is doesn’t guarantee your dog won’t have cancer or heart problems it does show that that breeder is invested in trying to produce the healthiest dogs possible by using the screening tools available. (PWDCA Recommended Health Tests)

They DO actually SHED

The only dog that doesn’t shed is the one with no hair.  Anything that has hair sheds, but at different rates.  Let me put it this way…if I wear white pants and a white shirt and pet my dog, I WILL have a bit of hair on me.  And if I bath them, I will get a little bit of hair in the drain similar to if I washed my own hair.  I see tufts of hair on the floor and some hair on my furnace filter.  BUT, it’s no where as much as my husband’s sheltie.

Costly Grooming Every 6 Weeks

Portuguese Water Dogs require grooming every 6 to 8 weeks to keep their coats clean and mat free.  The prices I’ve seen range from $60 to $80 a visit AND you’ll have to keep up with the hair via brushing in between.  So yes, you’ll have less hair on your clothes, floor and house, but you’ll also be averaging around $600 a year in grooming costs…not including tips 😉

Hide the Trash Now

PWDs are smart…and I hate to break it to you, but smart dogs can be challenging to own.  These creative dogs have learned how to open crates, locked trash cans, unzip purses and get into lots and lots of mischief.  Being smart also means they often ask “should I do what they’re asking me?”  People often mistake “smart” for eager to please.  Golden retrievers and poodles are eager to please.  Always asking, “what next, what can I do for you?”  PWDs are asking, “why should I?”  Think of them as a gifted child.  On one hand they are a total delight…but on the other they love to spend day in and day out testing you to see if you remembered to put the trash up, the wipe the counters, to lock the door. Some people find this endearing, others find it maddening to have a dog always testing them.

Are you Tired yet?

PWDs aren’t content with a walk around the block a day.  These dogs are high drive dogs that want to run, play and challenge their stamina.  Want to play fetch?  Great, because you can play that first and then go for a hike and swim after.  Are you ready for an active lifestyle?  Couch potatoes need not apply and weekend warriors should be appropriately worried!  And if they don’t get enough exercise I’ve seen houses that were toilet papered, walls that were chewed, carpet that was unraveled or worse.  So make sure you choose wisely.